Traidcraft Charcoal

Kundumo Kanyetu,
a worker at Jumbo Charcoal, tending to the vegetable garden at the packing plant.

The power of a premium

As you may know, Transform Trade is now the custodian of the Traidcraft brand - and is restoring its legacy by building a small, high impact product range. Alongside this, we are working to use the Traidcraft mark as seal of approval, signifying adherence to fair trade principles which lie outside the scope of the Fairtrade mark.

Here’s how we’re getting on…

The Traidcraft mark…

Famously an early pioneer of fair trade, Traidcraft continued that pioneering spirit for decades bringing fair trade principles to new supply chains the Fairtrade mark can’t reach. Now under Transform Trade’s care, we’re delighted to say that this work will continue.   The mark will signify that workers and producers are treated and paid fairly for products.

Fair trade charcoal

In 2009, Jumbo Charcoal in Namibia worked alongside Traidcraft, Co-op and Rectella International to launch the world’s first fair trade charcoal. Since then, over £700,000 in fair trade premiums has been raised.

The community decide how that money is spent through an autonomous elected committee and over time this has made a huge difference to the lives of workers, burners and their communities.

Fair trade charcoal is available to purchase in Co-op stores - you can read more about the impact here.

Classrooms for local children.

Meriam Mbimbi at the water pump funded by the fair trade premium.

Solar panels to provide power and lighting for charcoal workers.

We’re excited this work can continue the legacy and impact of Traidcraft in a practical, powerful way.